Advanced Process Solutions

Kamengo Bins and Feeders

Kamengo specializes in the design and supply of feeders and storage bins handling difficult flowing bulk materials. Using a science-based approach, they choose the optimal feeder and bin geometry to deliver reliable, consistent discharge without plugging. Kamengo has a history of solving complicated storage and feed problems that enable their clients to get the most out of their operations. Since installing their first feeder in 1988, Kamengo has established a design practice capable of tackling complex projects, including retrofits of storage and feed arrangements that are suffering from chronic plugging. Kamengo has the engineering capability to deliver complete packages of materials handling equipment including storage bins, feeders, chutes, structural work, and conveyors. They have delivered solutions for the mining, pulp and paper, cement, gypsum board, marine, and agricultural industries.

Kamengo Bins and Feeders
